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The Ability to Believe

At birth, we two-leggeds appear to be innocent babies programmed to trust our parents or others within our community or government.  Many assume parents will be kind and loving to these babies. Such assumptions and beliefs are based on individual teachings and communities and may be far from the truth.

Life, easy or difficult, is written in ancient and current literature. Often stories of horrors or joys may contain wicked monsters, witches, or fabulous godmothers. The young child must learn a language, then rely upon its elders to be fed, taught, loved, and nurtured toward an ability to thrive.  However, it is risky if the teachers, parents, extended families, or diverse religious programs, include untruths such as Santa Claus, monsters, blood-eating bats, and tooth fairies, or believe government authority figures are safety agents.    

Once into a school system, the child is told many stories, some fiction; others outright lies. These children may have their first exposure to people of diverse heritage, wealth, accents, and ‘’alternate truths”. Who and what are they to believe? How are they to identify the lies or ideologies?

These children embark upon a twisted maze of many teachings and behaviors that may reflect the behaviors and stories surrounding them. Later they risk being be scolded, abused, or even killed if they do not quickly escape the maze of contradictions. Those born into families of wealth and multiple resources may thrive with more than they need, while those born into poverty or have very little may be struggling to simply meet each day. The “haves more” may grow to feel superior. The “haves less” may feel inferior or angry.  Immediately we have conflict.

The priests, pastors, and medicine-men then step in with all manner of solutions, while the government lays claim to the ultimit solution. While some may be searching for solutions to life’s contradictions, others may be mired in blackmail and/or other sordid activities in search of personal gratification or dark money.

Such is the maze of growing up upon this planet at this time.  We appear to have the power of free will. We each have within our minds and hearts the ability to search for truth.  We may be called to an agnostic or religious tradition or delve into personal searches for truths, both spoken and invisible to the naked eye. Either choice energetically guides us to make and develop personal beliefs. We may disagree about the sources of our beliefs and the beliefs themselves. How tightly we cling to a particular belief or teaching leads to the ways we live and interact with one another. Thus, the ability to believe is seated within our power to allow,–allow there are many conflicts and teachings that are constructs, not necessarily based on a universal reality.

Aside from brain or heart damage, we each have an active mind and free will.  If we listen and feel deeply, our hearts will guide our minds to beliefs that guide our souls. How we develop from our first to last breath is an individual journey primarily based on free will to believe whatever we choose. Thus, it appears, most outcomes, bright or dark, are likely self-imposed because we have not questioned our own indoctranated beliefs.

Chandler ©  March 18, 2021

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