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If I believed in all the laws, rules, and gossip spread around the dinner table, the law offices, our national and international representatives, presidents, dictators, and would-be kings; I would soon...
I am highly frustrated at this moment. I will get over it. I have been in similar frustration many times over the 83 years I have meandered planet Earth this time around. What do we do with such frustrations?...
I need to be calm when I’m frustrated with my computer or anything else. I need to dare to cry for myself as easily as I cry for another, for the earth, and all upon it. I need to cry for all the...
I awoke to gentle bird calls welcoming the morning. I then walked barefoot onto the grass lawn. No dogs were barking, and no motorcycle was revving a cold engine. Trucks with no mufflers and blasting music...
An egg is an egg. Or is it?
An egg is white or brown. Or is it?
A man is strong and protective. Or is he?
A woman is less than a man. Or is she?
My God is better than your God. Or is she?
He was inspired to choose a journey into a new adventure. Thus he did research about adventures to many places with the desire to do graduate work in the art of expression and telepathic communication.
This prompt brings to mind haunted houses or old castles where the enormous old keys needed a big hole for the old heavy, hunks of iron to slide into and turn. Such peek holes would tempt any child or...
Driving the serpentine road leading to the wee town of Round Mountain, California, we followed the hand-drawn map. We were mesmerized by the many twists as we kept climbing uphill. Winding around...
At birth, we two-leggeds appear to be innocent babies programmed to trust our parents or others within our community or government. Many assume parents will be kind and loving to these babies. Such...
“Why didn’t I think of that?” has traveled through my mind,…silently and aloud more times than I can remember. The sparks that ignited that thought are long forgotten. Yet, the flush of excitement...
We seldom see the word worn standing by itself. It is a descriptive label often used when we think it’s time to get a pair of new jeans or a set of new tires too worn to keep. What happens...
This is It! This is it! This is it! Yes, one moment at a time, we are where we are. We may think about where we have been and the many things we have done. Yet, they are the past. We are now. ...
Sidetracked is in the air when we find ourselves forced into new patterns of any kind. Our inner focus can no longer work in automatic. When we rearrange the house under the influence of spring cleaning,...
We appear to be in unmapped territory, as we find our way through coronavirus, protests, instabilities, climate change, and potential war and riots around the world. Perhaps it is time to become unwrapped...
“Golly, when I was in high school, Miss Baker was a real tough English teacher. In her mind, nearly everything was either right or wrong. There was no middle. If you ever confused an adverb...
In these days and hours of a quickening upon the planet, we appear to be moving into more chaos, arguments, wars, and political anarchy. Perhaps Pachamama, Mother Earth, is simply saying, “Enough,” thus...
“I don’t belong here is a bit of a conundrum since I am already here,” she thought. Her mind quickened into all the possibilities that may have led her to this place at this time. Then she pondered the...
In my younger years, having been called “Little Mz Why” and later, “Pollyanna,” a word beyond my scope, I was never sure whether it was a compliment or a slam. With a few more years...
The weather does what nature demands. We two-leggeds then make adjustments and choose an umbrella, a sombrero, ball-cap, or perhaps a wool scarf, to meet the weather’s demand. Similarly, our daily activities...
Away we go in this ever-changing and challenging time on planet earth. We may awaken to a beautiful morning of fresh snow and feel the excitement to attach our skies to the car rack and head to the slopes...
While gestating in the womb, I wonder if that little ovum and sperm have any idea of the one-way journey they are about to embark upon. Will their merged journey erupt into the oxygen of planet earth and...
Talking is a natural social behavior, yet in the desire to be heard, the overzealous “interrupter” may monopolize the conversation.
Before speaking, it is wise to allow that your listeners may not all...
“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” —- That is the entire second amendment. However,...
In years past, a tap on the shoulder was generally a bid for attention, or a quiet surprise from an old friend meeting you by surprise in an unexpected place. It was usually a pleasant moment.
That all...
My son had a cat named Gracie. He inherited Gracie as a wee kitten and simply kept her given name. However, after a few weeks, it was obvious Tom might have been the better name. However, Gracie seemed...
About midway into writing about COVID-19, I was interrupted. I could not bring myself back to the line of thought. That statement alone is indeed the reality of the NOW. One moment is gone…then it is only...
The lime tree trimmed of dust-laden leaves and dense, dead branches, bathed in the morning sun, next to the palms, relieved from drooping, dead frons, and the freshly raked catchment circles highlighted...
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