We seldom see the word worn standing by itself. It is a descriptive label often used when we think it’s time to get a pair of new jeans or a set of new tires too worn to keep. What happens when we apply that word worn to cycles in the universe, politics, tribalism, and the deep grooves that keep us in step with worn-out beliefs, ideas, and ideologies?
In these times of profound changes worldwide, we may express feelings of anger, fear, disagreements, and anxiety about our future. Our minds may rush to old worn behaviors to resolve our feelings and concerns. Perhaps it is an excellent time to evaluate how well old patterns, worn-out practices, and reluctance to change perspectives may have us feeling exhausted. Maybe we need to refocus our ideas, thoughts, reading habits, and exercise routines to keep up with current structures and expectations in the home, office, and parks. We could take up a new hobby, watch TV less, get lost in a great book or go dancing. We are never too old or worn-out to play new games, hike a new trail, or even change the times we choose to go to bed or get up. Have we gotten so worn-out that we forget to be adventurous, contemplative, silly, or sexy?
Sometimes, letting go of long worn-out indoctrinations from our families, ancestors, politics, religions is like trying to put a bridle onto a wild stallion. He must learn to trust the new restrictions of capture and domestication. We must wake up. The earth and her creatures are worn out,
Many of our modern behaviors have worn the soul of the planet into sickness with polluted water, and contaminated air, and substantially encapsulating her with a body-cast of cement, steel, glass, plastic, electronics, and all manner of separation. We are wearing out, and we are separating our spirits and ideas of right vs. wrong, kind vs. cruel, invitation vs. exclusion. Worn-out, the earth gasps for breath and new possibilities, We can breathe in new energy, find our center, and reach out with kindness to celebrate this amazing opportunity to be in this classroom called Life on Planet Earth.
This day, called today, is always the best day to give away any worn-out ancient feelings, ideas, or teachings that hold us in a history that no longer leads us forward. Let us spring forward with energy to repair or replace all our worn-out stuff and tune-in to the present to hear the pleas for care not only individually but collectively to include all manner of life. We are wearing out the fabric of the earth herself. She is now demanding we move to a whole new paradigm from individualism to compassionate collectivism.
Chandler © December 12, 2019