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Stepping off the Edge of Life

In these days and hours of a quickening upon the planet, we appear to be moving into more chaos, arguments, wars, and political anarchy. Perhaps Pachamama, Mother Earth, is simply saying, “Enough,” thus allowing scum to bubble to the top.  Collectively, we are being called to change our relationships with one another and the environment. The heartbeats of health and behaviors are demanding our immediate response to change direction or face many deaths.

How many times have we rebelled against those extracting oil, gold, silver, precious stones, and elements as an activity rushing toward individual and or corporate greed?  These men and corporations appear to give no thought as to what such activity is doing to this beautiful globe. Like rapists, they thrust their chemicals and garbage into her body. They fill her air with smoke and chemicals. They satisfy their greed.  Did she consent?

Only when we turn our attention to honoring the earth and her gifts of clean water, fertile soil, clear air, food, an abundance of sustaining relationships, and community, can we be confident we are not stepping off the edge of life.

The earth is a collection of communities, yet many humans have become personally greedy. These robber/rapists allow and encourage companies like Monsanto/Bayer to genetically manipulate seeds forcing farmers to buy new seeds each year because these modified seeds are viable for only one season.  Thus, thousands of years of self-sustaining farmers are now forced into buying GMO seeds and poisonous chemicals. No longer able to afford the seeds or the chemicals of artificial farming, many farmers forced to leave their farms, are choosing suicide as they no longer can support themselves and their families.  We the people have moaned and groaned, yet too few have raised our voices or used the power of our vote to stop the massive, multiple rapes of Mother Earth.  Man cannot continue this activity and live.

The earth’s treasures are a gift, a gift for all. Mother Earth is not for sale. Man has just made arbitrary laws claiming ownership. We can develop homes; we can become good stewards to protect them and the land, to harvest crops, to gently mine resources for the use of a healthy cooperative community, to farm, to build environmental community centers, stores, and businesses. Yet many of our society, are making individual, corporate, and governmental decisions that are threatening a step off the edge of life. Many of us are either ignorant of what many large corporate organizations are doing or have never had the experience of tasting pure water running in a mountain stream or fresh corn from a field free of chemicals or GMO seeds.

We wake up in the morning, fed with sunlight, rain, cold, heat, wind, or calm, elements we cannot control. Yet, these elements nourish and clean the earth allowing life to thrive. We, too, have a responsibility to actively nourish and protect the planet.

As we kill the natural resources that allow us to live, we fail Mother Earth.  Unless we wake up, engage compassionately with one another, the earth, flush the scum, and stop the rapists, we may well be stepping beyond the edge of life.

Chandler ©  February 13, 2020

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